
大家好, (Hello Everyone)

阿福飛鏢錦標賽2012 (Formosa Dart Championship 2012)

參加方法(To take part)

活動當天請到這裡報名 (Come to the event location on that day)

第一輪(First Round)

每個玩家都將有五的丟飛鏢的機會.(Every players will have five throw)

前八名玩家具有最高分 就可以去下一輪.(Top 8 player with the highest score advance to the next round.)

第二輪(半決賽) Semi Final

玩家有十的丟飛鏢的機會(Players are given ten throw)

前三甲的玩家可以去大決賽(Top 3 player with the highest score advance to the Grand Final)


玩家目標是用最少的飛鏢打到三百點. (Player will try to use the least number of throw to clear 300 point, First to do that is the winner.)

獲勝者將有他們的名字刻在獎杯上, 獎杯將顯示在獎勵大廳.

The Winner winner will have their name engrave on the trophy, which will be display in the Reward Hall for everyone to know.

活動地點(Event location)


Time is 20:00TW / 21:00 JPN

到時見 !! (See you there !!!)