
大家好, (Greeting Everyone)

这个星期天一,十二月三十一日將會有提前新年前夕活動,千万不要错过哦!!! (This upcoming Monday, 31st of Dec 2012. There will be a new year eve special event so dun miss it !!!)

在這裡聚集(Gather At Here)

时间是晚上8点台湾,9点日本. 千万不要错过哦 !!!! (Time will be 8pm TW and 9pm JPN. Do not miss it !!!!)

偷竊技能需要八十一上則會有機會偷到活動寶物. (Stealing skill require 80 and abrove to have a chance to steal the Event item)

那一天的小提示(A small tips to headstart for that day)

密码 password パスワード
當天見!! (See you on that day)